Monday, November 15, 2010

GMC suicides

This is why Dr Tracey Bloggs has so little time for the General Medical Council. Like the Burmese Generals and the followers of Aung San Suu Kyi, the General Medical Council plays with the lives of doctors who fall foul of its duplicitous standards.

Today's picture showing suicide and deaths following GMC investigation was presented at a recent meeting to the Royal College of Psychiatrists. This mortality does not include doctors who die after their hearings have closed.

No one wants sick doctors to work, on the other hand, an episode of illness should not destroy their professional lives. The public needs protecting from the stigma and discrimination engendered by the GMC's approach to mental health.

Copyright (c) Nasty Gnome Party

1 comment:

Nurse and Hospital Stories said...

"No one wants sick doctors to work, on the other hand, an episode of illness should not destroy their professional lives."

Agree. Doctors are still human beings that get sick sometimes, they are not robots that are always well and healthy, eh.

Peny@online scrubs