Thursday, October 21, 2010

How much did the GMC pay Alan Sugar?

The question on everyone's lips this morning after another nail biting episode of the Apprentice is "How much did the GMC pay Alan Sugar to fire Dr Shibby Robati?"

It is well known that once you attract the attention of the GMC you are damned to hell in this life and the next. Dr Shibby cannot be redeemed. He has been tried by the GMC and found lacking ergo - there can be no chance of a second career - in any field. He is doomed to spend the rest of this life and eternity in purgatory. That he wishes to make his purgatory public is to volunteer for the stocks. The GMC is thought to have slipped the Sun a few bob to draw attention to his GMC warning - as if he could pretend not to tell!!

Doctor Bloggs thought about writing to Professor Paul Philip suggesting that he is brought before the GMC again for failing to disclose his warning himself, instead of waiting for the Sun expose of "Sugar Baddies". After all, Dr Shibby Robati must tell all future employers about his GMC warning. He cannot be picky about who he tells. Luckily the Sun took the GMC bribe and brought it to the nation's attention. A life sentence is a life sentence, it is no good pretending the GMC doesn't hate you.

Copyright (c) Nasty Gnome Party

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