Whatever your problem :
Get expert advice quickly
This may come from established experts, your friends, reading, the Internet. If you are faced with a problem with which you are not familiar, its time to Get Help
Where ever possible, don't let problems fester - knowing your luck, they will only get worse.
Finding other people who have also been through the mill helps too! for example http://www.standtoreason.org.uk/home
1 Financial
2 Employment
3 Health Advice
1 Financial Advice
Money Guardian
Learn about money where you can. Web based information on a wide range of money related issues.
Money Saving Expert
A useful web based source of money saving information and ideas.
National Debtline
A free, confidential, independent telephone helpline for people with debt problems in England, Wales and Scotland.
Telephone 0808 808 4000 http://www.nationaldebtline.co.uk/
One of the country's leading debt advice agencies with over 12 years experience in helping people with their debt problems.
Telephone 0800 917 7823 http://www.payplan.com/
Consumer Credit Counselling Service
A charity that assists people who are in financial difficulty by providing free, independent, impartial and realistic advice. It is run by the Credit Industry, and has an interest in helping you pay your debts, as opposed to going bankrupt
Telephone 0800 138 1111 http://www.cccs.co.uk/
The UK Insolvency Helpline -
The UK Insolvency Helpline is a national telephone helpline for people with debt problems all over the UK. The service is free, confidential and independent
Telephone 0800 0746918 Website http://www.insolvencyhelpline.co.uk/
For doctors
Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Helps GMC registered doctors and their dependants in need, if resident in the UK. http://www.rmbf.org/
2 Employment Advice
Flexible working
Advice about flexible working and helping develop a life work balance that supports you and your family.
Disability Discrimination
For Employers
A quick guide to your obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act
How to approach the problem of mental health in the workplace
For Employees,
Mental ill health is included in the Disability Discrimination legislation.
Disability as described by the Disabilty Discrimination Act
a) It has to be long term, ie it has already lasted or is likely to last more than 12 months
b) It has to be substantial,
c) It has to affect a person’s ordinary day to day activity, even if treatment effectively controls the symptoms.
Find out more
3 Health Advice
i) Mental Health
Mental Health Foundation
Mind Apples
Information about depression
Free online Computerised Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
ii) Lifestyle
Dr Liz Miller Top Ten Health tips
iii) Diet
Improve your diet
The scientific evidence linking diet and mental health
iv) Reading list
The Natural Way to Beat Depression - Basant K. Puri, Hilary Boyd
Potatoes not Prozac - Kathleen DesMaisons
Manage your mind - Hope & Butler
Healing without Prozac – David Serban-Schreiber
Copyright (c) Dr. Liz Miller
Find out more - Buy the Book!
Excellent post, some really good advice and resources.
Got anything for a jaded burnt out bonkers blogger?
a new woman?
Good point-it's been four years you know.
Unfortunately the spirit is willing but the body can't run fast enough.
I find myself strangely depressed nowadays - the last few weeks. Yet I don't want to ask anybody. Not anything.
There was a girl in a supermarket, dressed so colourfully - painted goth face, perhaps collecting for this Children In Need thing - that raised my spirit this afternoon. It's the quality of things that matters. I can no longer stand things just to be played at, it seems.
Perhaps it's being put off by what happened in the past: my hackles just rise when people say ASK FOR HELP. Some counsellors can destroy you.
You and I want the best for people, but I wonder whether this is the way to go.
I did say "Expert help"
I am not sure I would call counsellors "experts", although some may be good at their job, but, for example, money problems need sound financial advice, rather than a warm chat. The same for legal and other problems.
Counseling or psychological archeology as it is sometimes called, has a place in history. Whether history has a place in the curriculum is another debate ;-)
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