Monday, July 12, 2010

Peter Mandelson - the filling falls out

Doctor Bloggs is not referring to Peter Mandelson's long awaited tome but to the collagen in Peter Mandelson's forehead. It seems that "getting work done" not just de rigeur for celebrities but for also New Labour. It comes as no surprise to Doctor Bloggs that he took so little part in the election campaign, he had a bad case of loose fillings, and his face might have fallen off at at any moment

Still Brown's experience might be reassuring, just as you think it can't get any worse, you find yourself being filmed - in a radio studio.... ??? and no one buys your book, because in coalition politics - you are yesterday's news.

September 2009 Mandelson went from left to right - and now its seems he's going back to his old look - craggy and familiar

Copyright (c) Nasty Gnome Party

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